Friday, December 28, 2007


Oh, the crazy things I'd do to be one of them... or to have that painting.

octo teamwork

Big thank you's to Monica and Luke for showing me Sayaka :) It's a little hard for me to navigate through her site, but from what I can see, there is something really naughty going on with these girls... and I like it. :X

sculpting suckers

My last visit at Copro Nason left me in utter happiness of discovering a crafty lady named Ver Mar.
Courtesy of Ver herself because my camera is crappy.

Her work is a coated with brilliance and sprinkled with darkness, just my taste. Hehe ^_^. I'm in complete lust with everything in her show "Menagerie". Complete.

Along side her room in the gallery was Mike Leavitt's "Art Army" where Audrey Kawasaki was found.

Isn't her adorable? Well done Mike.

fur is better

I want to thank Luke for sending me these creatures done by Michael Brown. I've seen some of his work at Gallery Nucleus before (love the bunnies) but did not know he did octopuses too O_O! Excellent.

Octo pie <3

The painting that inspired the blog name ^___^, and the blog itself.

All beautifully done by Brandi Milne for her "Sugar & Silence" show at Corey Helford. I alsolutely LOVED this show! Everytime I see her, the work just keeps getting better. The reception for her show even had baked goodies! Octopus and sweets? Could it have been better? No; I was one giddy little girl.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Ink in my Eye